ECW Advent Calendar Workshop and Bake Sale

This year the Episcopal Church Women (ECW) will be selling their handmade, felt Advent calendars and hosting a bake sale to raise funds for their ongoing work and outreach including the Summer Enrichment Program and St. Paul’s Crisis Ministry. The bake sale will take place on November 5th after the 9am service outside of the Colhoun rooms. Winners of the Advent calendars will be posted on a sign at the bake sale table, details about how to win are listed below. In addition to baked goods, there will also be extra Advent calendar pieces for sale for those who already own a calendar.
There are three ways to win an Advent calendar, see below for full details. Please note, calendars will not be for sale the day of, so pay close attention to the dates listed.
- Option-to-Buy without waiting in a line. Fill out a form online or in-person by the end of the day on November 1st and ten names will be randomly selected to have the opportunity to purchase a calendar for $100, which can be paid with cash, check or credit card. You can enter by scanning the QR code or through the paper entry form, please limit one entry per person. If chosen, your name will be posted at the bake sale where you can purchase your calendar or you will be contacted by phone and/or email if you are not able to pick it up at the November 5th bake sale.
- Buy raffle tickets for $5 each for the chance to win one advent calendar! Raffle tickets can be purchased after the 9am service outside the Colhoun rooms on Sunday, October 22nd and 29th, or between 10 am-7:00 pm on Wednesday, October 25th in Colhoun A. Those attending the Senior Adult lunch on Wednesday, October 18th can also purchase raffle tickets at that event. The winner will be posted at the ECW bake sale on November 5th, where you’ll be able to pick up your calendar.
- Join the women of St. Paul’s at our Advent dinner on Monday, December 4th when there will be one last calendar available through a silent auction! Invitations to the dinner will be sent to your email and announced through the church newsletter closer to the event.
If you would like to help make the calendars or learn more about them, everyone is invited to join us for Advent calendar workshops on October 11 and 25. We will be in Colhoun A from 10 am-7:30 pm so you can drop by anytime throughout the day! If you have questions or would like to receive information about volunteer opportunities for the bake sale or Advent calendar workshops please reach to one of the following:
Bake sale contact
Advent calendar contact