The Lantern Initiative

The Lantern Initiative
The Lantern Initiative represents the work of dozens of St. Paul’s parishioners who prayed, imagined, and brainstormed what it would look like to create a space for people who want to go deeper in their faith. Now in our second year, it is built to be an extension of and complement to St. Paul’s regular formation offerings (Sunday morning formation classes, Kanuga, Bible Studies, etc.). What you will find here are resources meant to shine a light on your path when you feel called to your next step and even help you shine a light for others. So, welcome to your next step. Welcome to a place of spiritual formation and growth. Welcome to the Lantern Initiative.
Read the brochure >
Three Types of Deep Dives
With over a dozen offerings for the 2024/25 program year, there are lots of ways to grow in your spirituality. All of the offerings fall into one of three categories:
- Sunday afternoon seminars
- Small Group Gatherings
- Spring and fall retreats and pilgrimages
Interested in joining one of the offerings? Details on how to register will be released at a later date, but you can express your interest in a particular offering by filling out the interest form here >
Small Group Gatherings:
Spiritual Wellness: Living Compass group
What are the areas of my life that give me strength, nourishment and grounding? Where do I see areas of unhealth? How can I live intentionally, seeking balance between physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health? This six week small group will offer resources for reviewing one’s own individual health and offer group support for living a life of wellness, beginning in March.
Spiritual Friendship: Four new encounter groups
These small groups are dedicated to the work of building sacred friendships, and looking at how God is present in the most beautiful and messy parts of our lives. Over a meal together, we will practice sharing the stories of our lives, with a bit of theological reflection, and participate in supportive group processing. The offerings will allow you to find your unique place in a group, whether your interests are with men’s ministry, an LGBTQIA+ group, or other general intergenerational gatherings. These are structured to be a once-monthly commitment through a year’s time, beginning in September.
Becoming Beloved Community: Sacred Ground group
Sacred Ground is a film- and readings-based dialogue series on race, grounded in faith. This small group will walk through chapters of America’s history of race and racism, while weaving in threads of family story, economic class, and political and regional identity. The 11-week series uses a powerful online curriculum of documentary films and readings that focus on Indigenous, Black, Latino, and Asian/Pacific American histories as they intersect with European American histories. The Sacred Ground group begins in November.
Seminars, Retreats, and Pilgrimages
To view upcoming offerings, click here >